Most of the buyer's show pictures I saw while shopping online were unretouched, real body states. The pictures of corsets tightened these women's bodies and also squeezed some fat to the outside, and the overall did not achieve the so-called ideal effect; while the reviews were clear and positive. So I decided to collect images of corset buyers' shows and reviews from many online shopping platforms and print out these real bodies and fake reviews on photo paper. An attempt to show the contradiction between the desire and reality of many women wearing corsets today.I experimented with different effects in the form of collages on the corset mock-ups and sewed the printed images onto the corsets. I stabbed the needle over and over again on the female bodies shown in each buyer's show, and although they were not real flesh, I felt a real tingle. I wore the corset in the form of Cindy Sherman's Untitled Film Stills, looked into a mirror and had the photographer take a picture of me to complete this work, Surface Tension.The paper wrapped around my corset and eventually the corset disappeared and was replaced by endless 'interpretations' of the corset. With the paper on the corset, the corset loses its original elasticity and as I put it on, I hear the sound of the cotton threads being stretched and even snapping, as if my fattened body is expressing its discontent with these perfect images of the corset and wants to break out of them, but at the same time, my heart is tense with the impending or possible shattering and exposure.